Wanachama na Matukio
Members of TMS posing for a group photo
Proceedings during TMS second extra-ordinary general meeting held on December 16, 2016
The TMS held its second extra-ordinary general meeting on December 16 2016. The aim of the meeting was to receive and consider the proposed modification of application form for new TMS members and to receive the development of the National Framework for Climate Services (NFCS). The modifications in the application form as proposed by Mr. Suleiman Khamis, a zonal TMS representative in Zanzibar were presented and agreed. The modified application form is now the official form to be used and is found in the TMS webpage (www.meteo.go.tz/TMS). The development of the NFCS was also presented and the meeting noted its progress.
In addition, the meeting received and noted the President’s report which covered progress on revitalizing Society, recruitment of new members, financial status, TMS Academic Excellence Award, modification of TMS registration form and sharing the draft of NFCS. With regard to revitalizing the society, the President informed the meeting that TMA managed to secure funds under GFCS to support TMS meetings in the course of the Programme. For the case of membership, 30 new members have joined the Society between January 2016 and December, 2016 (20 from Tanzania mainland and 10 from Zanzibar). The total number of TMS members is now 110. However, most of them are Ordinary and Associate members and the majority are inactive. Currently the Society has only two active cooperate members; Climate Consults (Ltd) and Tanzania Meteorological Agency. The president informed the meeting that, the main source of income to TMS so far is still monthly contributions from members. In that context, he insisted on dues payment as most members have not yet paid their annual contribution.
One of the notable achievements is that, TMS has succeeded to issue the First TMS Academic Excellence Award comprising of “The certificate of recognition” and a “Cheque of 200,000/= Tshs which was awarded to Mr. Daniel Mwageni during the meeting for being the Overall best student in BSc Meteorology at the University of Dar-es-Salaam in 2016.
The meeting was followed by a workshop on Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) and on Promoting and Enhancing the Participation of African Scientists in Climate Change, focusing on Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) processes and activities. The workshop deliberated progress in preparation of the NFCS and IPCC process and activities for Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). Scientists from various institutions including universities were invited and sensitized to participate in AR6 process and activities.